Marketing and Promotion
Mission 10K is our New Zealand attempt to grow our membership. This aligns with the worldwide Mission 1.5.
What is needed to reach this goal?
- More members
- More Clubs
- Retention of members
- Meaningful Marketing
- Thinking outside the box
More members
This is a no brainer; to grow we need more members. It is very simple, just ask a friend. If you are a proud Lions and love being a member of our great organisation, the enthusiasm will bubble over, and people will want to join.More Clubs
There are some towns that have no Lions clubs. Every community deserves a club. We need to identify these areas and spark so local interest. All we need are 5 keen people.
Of the members we lose, only 15-20% are due to passing away. The rest have other reasons. We need to keep our members engaged, make sure they are included and heard. Everyone wants to feel appreciated. Inclusion and diversity are what makes strong clubs.
We need to tell our story! This needs to be done in a clever way. Advertising our events on our own club social media pages only reaches those that follow the page. We need to share this content on our private pages as well. By doing so, your reach increases exponentially
Marketing is getting the best "Bang for your Buck".Thinking outside the box
Be bold and try something new. Keep trying. It's about to work. We cannot expect different results if we keep doing the same thing. Makes sense, doesn't it.

The best way to grow membership is by Lions talking to other people about what we do. Bring friends along to service/social activities and other functions. Invite them to tea meetings. If you are excited about being a Lions, it will rub off and others will want to feel that way too. Everyone has a little helper in them that wants to do good in the world. Let's be contagious and spread the kindness. Invite them become part of the largest humanitarian and service organisation in the world.

We've been thinking outside the box and came up with our Mission to grow - Roadshow
How does this work?
- Firstly, we need to identify areas/communities that are currently not serviced by a local Lions group.
- Our team will then go and find a venue that is suitable for hosting a Lions Info Evening.
- Once a date, time and venue is set, this gets advertised.
- Social media is our friend. Targeted or boosted posts will be sent to people within a certain radius and age group.
- Flyers can be used at local businesses.
- Our team will then go out and do a presentation and hopefully have some interested people.
- All we need is five and a sponsoring club to start a Club Branch.
- A team will keep working with the newly formed group in a mentoring capacity.

Nearly everyone has some kind of social platform that they a part of. It is a no-brainer for Lions to have an active presence on these platforms as well. Let your readers know what exciting things you are doing in your communities.
We are encouraging all our clubs to have a Social Media page and like eachothers pages. By doing so, we get to grow the network and clubs can stay updated with what is happening in our District 202D. Click "HERE" to see a list of clubs and zones with active Facebook pages.
Here are some documents that might be of help to you.

Digital marketing is a modern way to promote. Together with Expose Yourself Digital Marketing, we are running a marketing campaign to tell our story to the public.
How exactly does this work?
We are placing Displays/Monitors at venues that attract public. These venues are called Hosts. Ideal venues are:
We are placing Displays/Monitors at venues that attract public. These venues are called Hosts. Ideal venues are:
- Hair Dressers / Barbers
- Cafe's and Resaurants
- Fitness Studios / Gym's
- Doctors / Dentists / Physio / Chiropractors
- Any kind of waiting room
- Businesses that attract a lot of customers a day
All equipment is provided and there is not cost to the Host other than internat access and power to run the Display and controller.
How do we use this network of Displays to promote Lions?
The idea is to show content of what the local Lions Clubs are doing in their towns. We use similar slides to the one shown above. We have slides with contact details of the clubs in the area so that interested people know who to contact.